
Develop Thriving Communities through the Economic Empowerment of Women

Develop Thriving Communities through the Economic Empowerment of Women

Ripples is a community based development organization serving Nigeria and Ghana.  Our work is entirely focused on women and creating pathways for them to be participants in the economy and leaders in their communities.

We KNOW when women have spending and decision making power what follows is:

  • Food security and education for children
  • Protection of natural resources for the long term
  • Accelerated economic growth

Why Eradicating Poverty Requires Women-Centered Solutions

Poverty is Gender Based
  • 70% of people below the poverty line in Nigeria and Ghana are rural women.
  • Women & girls face systemic gender inequalities that limit their access to work, property rights, credit, health care, education and decision making.
  • Community based development groups founded and run by men tend to operate within the existing gender norms.
Women's Empowerment - Systems Must Change
  • To break the cycle, NEW SYSTEMS must be be designed by women for women.  
  • Economic independence is the catalyst for complex, multi system change.
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