Marketplace Trends

Moringa: A West African Super Food

Moringa is becoming a staple ingredient in many healthy snacks.  In fact, Whole Foods named it one of the top 10 food trends in 2022. Often called the “miracle tree,” moringa is traditionally used as an herbal remedy in Africa because of its strong anti-oxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. As a powder, it is used in

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In the News: West African Flavors Added to the Culinary Institute of America Curriculum

2023 marks the first year the Culinary Institute of America (CIA) offers the West African Flavors Curriculum to its students.  But it didn’t come together by a whim. As stated on their website, the CIA spent “years researching and developing this concentration. An advisory council of academics and experts on the African diaspora—led by renowned

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West African Flavors: The Next Frontier in Product Innovation

The spice- forward flavors of West Africa are surging in popularity in the United States.  However, they are still largely untapped by consumer brands, offering numerous possibilities for innovation. West African ingredients have many varied and unique properties that can be utilized to elevate products when sourced directly from the region.  Request a consultation by

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