Food Security and Smallholder Farming

Adopt a village


Rural Nigerian communities are faced with a growing hunger challenge due to extreme droughts and flooding that are decimating farms.

Sustainable Agriculture


Ripples Farm Model

Ripples worked with the council of Chiefs (the community decision making body made up of men) to get buy-in to start up a woman run stakeholder farm.   Farms were then designed to:

  1.  Generate both income and food across the year
  2. Use eco friendly and climate resistant techniques 

Ripples assisted the women with accessing land, credit, start-up resources and training on the agriculture and business sides.  The pilot in 2018 started with 70 women who used income from their cash crops to purchase irrigation pumps and high yield seeds

Smallholder Farming


  • Increased harvests from 1 to 4 times per year
  • Women became leaders teaching the broad community in resilient agriculture strategies
  • 2,000 women and 8,000 children acheive food secuirty and economic independance.
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